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5 Tips For Helping Your Older Loved One Adjust to Assisted Living

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5 Tips For Helping Your Older Loved One Adjust to Assisted Living

Making the transition to assisted living isn’t always easy. Your older loved one may resist at first, and you may even find yourself in various conflicts. This is because there can be a lot of mixed feelings about leaving their long-time home and transitioning to assisted living. As their family member, you play a vital […]

3 Tips For Making Your Living Room Safe For Little Ones

If you have a baby on the way or have recently had a baby that will soon be on the move in your home, it’s time to start thinking about how you can make your house as safe as possible for your little one to start crawling and walking around. To help you with this, here are three tips for making …

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How Do You Handle Bath Time Tantrums?

Bath time tantrums can really test a parent's patience. Maybe it's the fear of water, interrupting playtime, or just being in a bad mood. Dealing with these meltdowns takes some strategy and lots of calmness. But guess what? With the right tricks up one's sleeve, bath time doesn't have to be such …

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