Have you ever wished that you had a clear cut guide on how to raise your children? I know that I have and probably many other parents have as well. We all know, however, that there is nothing such as an absolute when it comes to rearing kids. Each person is different, each situation unique. Still, it would be nice to have a good guide as to how to go about being a parent, don’t you think?
Courant.com recently featured a book by Matthew Kelly that just might give us what we are looking for. Entitled Building Better Families: A Practical Guide to Raising Amazing Children, the book aims to empower parents in raising wonderful kids. Of course, there is no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to this, but critics hail the book as one of the best there is.
I honestly haven’t read it yet but from the reviews that I have been reading, I think I need to get my hands on a copy. Courant’s feature ends with this:
The book does not include a simple 10-step plan or suggest that parents embrace a specific discipline method, diet, exercise regime or work/play ratio. Instead, Kelly is all about using — and teaching your kids to use — a single guiding principle for decisions great and small. When confronted with a choice, they and you should ask this question: “Will this help me become a better version of myself?”
Sounds good to me!
Originally posted on May 6, 2008 @ 10:42 pm