One Dad’s Rhymin’ Requests
by David Levin
On Father’s Day each father plans
A morning of sleeping late.
But on his day, Dad finds that he
Just can’t sleep in past eight.
On Father’s Day it’s hammock time.
Pile on newspapers galore
And please don’t worry if I doze,
Dig me out by half-past four.
On Father’s Day that dirty car
Will not be washed by me.
Let Mom and the children do the job,
While I laze beneath a tree.
On Father’s Day the kids all think
Dad probably needs a tie.
But I just want a hug and kiss
(And maybe a new hi-fi).
On Father’s Day the household chores
Well, I refuse to do ’em.
The lawn, the trash, the dishes?
Let Daddy snooze right through ’em.
On Father’s Day the ballpark calls
Baseball, the bleachers, the sun.
While Dad is off fetching the snacks…
Crack! Hey, was that a home run?
Father’s Day ends with story time,
The highlight of Dad’s fun day.
We cuddle up, the kids and I,
Without them it’s just Sunday.
Originally posted on June 14, 2010 @ 8:49 pm