There is a need to raise eco-conscious children if we are to talk about any future for our world. However, the burden of training them towards the green way falls on the parents. Parents cannot preach on green living while they themselves are not doing it. How then can we raise children who will treat the environment with love and care?
Walk the Talk
Parents will have to walk the talk, meaning that they have to practice what they preach. Green parenting is a whole lifestyle and not a mere couple of hours of lecturing to children. Children learn more and faster by imitating and emulating their parents rather than memorizing a list of what to do and what not to do.
Teach Children Green Living Concepts
The concepts of green living have to be learned and parents or the adults in authority have the responsibility to teach them to children. They cannot be expected to learn them on their own especially if it is not how things are usually done at home or in the community. Some aspects of green living such as saving, recycling, reusing, and reducing, have to be purposely explained before children can follow.
Involve the Whole Family
It is much easier to raise up eco-conscious children when everyone in the family is involved in the effort. This will eliminate contradicting views and instructions which can be very confusing to children. Accomplishing such a lofty ideal as green living is easier done when all family members agree to work together.
Live Simply but Happily
Simple living is something that will be required from those who seek try green practices. There must also be a basic understanding that tasks will not always be convenient but are highly beneficial in the long run. With the acceptance of the realities of simple living, happy living is not far behind.
Expose the Children to the Benefits of Green Living
Even among adults, following is much easier if the reasons and goals for doing things are clear. There is no better way to teach children about the advantages of green living than exposing them to the benefits. Words can be difficult to understand but benefits that are actually felt and experienced are self explanatory.
Why Raise Eco-Conscious Children?
The answer is quite simple. Eco-conscious children have more chances of growing up into adults who genuinely care for the environment. What makes it easier for them to do so is the training they got when they were growing up.
Originally posted on November 12, 2013 @ 12:48 pm