For many parents who have allowed their children to believe in Santa Claus from the time they were able to conceive his connection with Christmas, concerns about the truth may arise as children grow up. Growing up kids are equivalent to unending questions that would tend to test the veracity of the existence of the jolly man in red. The truth about Santa is not much of a concern for children who did not grow up with the belief but rather those who have treasured memories of the man who leaves gifts for children on Christmas Eve.
The Accepted Truth
In the adult world, Santa Claus come in the form of dads or any male figure bearing gifts primarily for the benefit of children. Although there appears to be some historical connections of how such a character came to be, the Santa that we now know is not exactly a precise manifestation. Never the less, many parents allow and encourage belief in Santa Claus to continue a tradition that has been started a long time ago.
This perpetuates a belief that not all are in agreement with. With respect to all kinds of belief with regards to the existence of Santa, we have to acknowledge that Santa and what he represents bring cheers to many people, children and adults alike. So many of us, including myself, chose the path towards Santa with our kids, in spite of knowing the “truth”.
Telling the Kids
Do we tell our kids the truth about Santa Claus? When do we do it? Why will we do it?
Personally, I don’t see any reason to rock the boat and declare one Christmas Day to our kids that there is no Santa Claus. In time, they will discover for themselves what the truth is. Like us who have gone before them, they will discover and will take it matter-of-factly so there is no pressing reason to destroy the belief right now.
Now, parents should know when their children are going overboard with the belief in Santa Claus and guide them along the way. Santa may not be real but the joy he brings to children is real enough and that is good enough for me. Will I tell my youngest kid the truth about Santa? Not just yet. Let her enjoy her Christmas as a child as I did mine.
Originally posted on December 24, 2013 @ 3:50 am