It can be a real drag if you are concerned about your family’s financial future. Money is not the root of satisfaction in life, but money certainly does buy a sense of stability if you have financial resources in the right place. Especially if your family runs into some emergency, it’s imperative that you have some economic backing behind you.
Specifically, you can consider three financial safety nets that your family may be able to use in the event of an economic crash of some sort. If a family member can apply for Social Security disability, that’s a substantial financial benefit. If you make sure that you have appropriate home insurance for your family’s house, that can prevent you from going bankrupt or losing everything if there’s a tragedy where you lose your house to some environmental incident. And what happens if someone in your family gets sick? Do you have health insurance that will keep you from going into severe debt?
Social Security Disability
Once people reach a certain age, or if people can’t work for some specific physical reason, they still have to survive. In these cases, it’s vital that you understand how the Social Security disability system works. As long as you properly apply for your benefits and can logistically check off all of the appropriate boxes, you should be getting a baseline of benefits that will allow you to function at a certain standard of living.
Home Insurance
If you have a home of any value at all, then you should buy home insurance. There are all sorts of terrible things that can happen to your family’s house. There are fires, floods, or other environmental disasters. Some tragedies can happen because of burglaries or other crimes. If you purchase home insurance, even if you lose all of your physical belongings as they relate to your house, you should at least be able to put a claim in to restart your life quickly.
Health Insurance
Then there is the matter of health insurance. Unfortunately, the world is in flux right now when it comes to health insurance costs and health insurance coverage. What you want to make sure is that if someone in your family gets sick, treatment will not bankrupt you. When you start looking at what healthcare coverage is available, there is a lot of information that you have to understand about things like deductibles, pre-existing conditions, and out-of-pocket payments. Don’t start researching things like this after it’s too late.
Savings Accounts
To a degree, you can set up a savings account so that you have something of a financial or economic buffer in the case of some life-changing event. The trouble happens when the amount of money required is substantially more than you can save.
Originally posted on April 10, 2019 @ 9:28 am