Loans shouldn’t be taken lightly, since that is money that you are going to need to pay back, and the longer you take to pay it back the more interest it will accrue. That means that you only want to take a loan out if it is something your family truly needs and if it is something you know won’t take you a long time to pay off. There are some things that make more sense to get a loan for, and some that can be a bad idea to get a loan for.
Good Things To Get Loans For
If you family needs a bigger home because you have another one on the way or you’ve just run out of space, getting a loan for some expansion work on your home or for a whole new home. This can be a good investment for your family. If you get a remodel done it can also increase the value of your home, in case you decide to sell.
For the same reason, you may want to invest in a new vehicle. Maybe you’ll want to go from a sports car to a minivan, so you have more room for little ones. Car loans can be pretty quick and easy to pay off too.
Depending on your child’s grades, you may need to get a loan to put them through college if they are unable to get the grants and funding needed to cover their whole college career. This type of a loan is an investment in your child’s future, but make sure that you know your teen is going to get through it and get their degree before making that investment.
Don’t Get A Loan For This
Don’t get loans to cover your family vacations, and don’t put the whole vacation on credit cards either. That is just a wasteful way to take care of your money. You want to make sure that what you get a loan for gives you something tangible, that can be seen and enjoyed for the whole time that you are paying it off.
Don’t get payday loans either, as they can spiral you into debt fairly quickly with all of the fees and interest that they grow. You may think this is your only option, but when it comes to emergency money you’re better off finding something to sell or pawn, or borrowing money from a friend or relative.
When you are short on funds there are plenty of options out there, even for people with not so good credit. Just make sure that you are getting a loan for something important and not putting yourself in debt for something frivolous.
Originally posted on January 22, 2016 @ 1:06 pm