Not everything about being a parent means that you have to focus just on your kids. You’re still an adult. You still enjoy your personal time, and you still have your individuality. Plus, as an adult, you have money that you didn’t have when you were younger, so at some point, you should spoil yourself and give yourself a reward for your hard work. Yes, your time will probably be largely selfless as you help your kids grow up, but give yourself some credit!
And a few ways to do this, once you get the funds in order, would be to do things like buy a pedicure chair, take a vacation without the kids, go for the occasional dinner and a movie date, create your perfect master bedroom, or maybe even buy a nice car.
Pedicure Chairs
For the true royal treatment as a parent, you can choose something spectacular and totally unnecessary, but enjoyable over the long run for the expense. For instance, you could buy a pedicure chair, and just bask in the luxuriousness every once in awhile, or even regularly. There’s nothing for relaxation like spoiling your feet after a hard day of work.
Vacations Without the Kids
Perhaps a little bit more reasonable than an expense like a personal pedicure chair, but still valuable from the parenting respect, is going on a vacation without your kids. Call your relatives and have them stay with your children for a weekend, or a week, and spend some of your cash on your own pursuits. Go somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, and enjoy it without worrying about catering to your little ones. Once every few years even is a great break.
The Occasional Dinner and a Movie
And if not a full vacation, at least grab your spouse and do dinner and a movie. This is at least a few steps up from the Netflix and chill concept that younger adults (who aren’t parents yet) are in the midst of forming into a cultural norm. A few hours with a babysitter aren’t going to kill your children, so appreciate that time off.
A Separate Master Bedroom
And if you want to use your money to create your ultimate personal space outside of the realm of your kids, spend some time, money, and thought on created the perfect master bedroom space for you and your spouse. Give yourself a perfect sleeping environment.
Buying a Nice Car
And if you’ve got the funds to do it, buy that care that you couldn’t afford as an early 20-something. If your kids don’t need the money for college yet, and you want to do something that makes your daily life better, the right vehicle will certainly move you in that direction.
Originally posted on June 16, 2016 @ 2:17 pm