Most parents know the struggles of trying to get their kids to play a role in helping clean up after themselves. A lot of parents wind up giving in to their moaning and take on all of the cleaning themselves, which can be an enormous responsibility when you’ve got a full-time job as well.
Don’t make the mistake of believing that kids aren’t capable of cleaning up after themselves. The truth is, not only are kids capable of helping with the chores, but they will significantly benefit from it. Teaching kids how to be responsible for themselves from a young age will help them be more responsible adults. Take a look at some of the best ways to get started.
Explain Why Chores Need To Be Done
Kids are more likely to do what you ask them to do if you provide a reason why. Expecting kids to do things just because you say so won’t be as effective. When you explain that the negative repercussions, they’ll be much more likely to cooperate.
For example, telling them that if they leave their toys on the floor could lead to someone stepping on it and breaking it is a huge motivation. The same goes for explaining that leaving food on the floor could lead to a pest infestation. Help them understand to see why chores are important, and they’ll be more willing to do them.
Don’t Make Chores Punishment
If you assign chores every time that they’re in trouble, then it won’t be long until they start associating chores with negative feelings. Reframe the idea of chores as a contribution to being a part of the family rather than something they dread.
Instead of making chores a horrible bore, make them something that helps them feel like they’re an active part of the family.
Lead By Example
Kids are smart creatures. If you’re constantly telling them to pick up their room, but your room is a bomb site, it won’t be long until they start wondering why there’s a double standard. Lead by example!
If you expect your children to be tidy people, then be tidy yourself! If a clean and orderly home has always been the norm for them, then it won’t be hard to get them to follow in your footsteps.
Reward Their Hard Work
When your kids help around the house, it’s important to reward them. This isn’t to say that you should give them money every time they clear the table. Rewards can come in many forms. Sometimes simple words of praise can be more rewarding than any amount of money. Always be grateful for the hard work that they put in, and they’ll be eager to please you even more!
Originally posted on May 26, 2021 @ 10:12 am