Whether you�re new to traveling with kids or you�ve done it several times, it always comes with challenges. From having to pack all of the essentials to making sure that you fit in enough activities that will appeal to the kids, it can be daunting. However, by following the right tips and preparing as best as you can, you can make it an enjoyable experience for everyone in the family.
To help you enjoy your vacation as much as possible, and save you from stress on the road, here are some of the best tips to see you through.
Make a List
When you�re packing for multiple people, it�s easy to forget things. Between diapers, favorite cuddly toys, and changes of clothes, it�s enormously helpful to have a master list.
Start creating a list several weeks ahead so that you plenty of time to remember everything. Refer to the list to ensure that you�re as organized as possible. Make sure that you check everything off the list as you go so that you stay on top of it!
Get Them Involved
Kids thrive off being involved in the process of planning. Even though they may not be much help with things like packing, it helps to make them feel like they are. Have them help choose what kind of clothing items they might like to bring as well as a few toys.
Look at photos of where you�re planning on traveling to and get them excited. Choose activities together by doing research on the destination. Older kids may even enjoy being a part of the budgeting. Give them an allowance and let them choose how they want to be able to spend their part of the budget. Not only will it keep them excited, but it will teach them about financial responsibility.
Be Flexible
Even though you may have a specific itinerary set out for the trip, it helps to remain flexible. You never know when things can take a turn that affect your plans.
One of the biggest stresses of traveling with kids is struggling to get out the door while one of the kids has trouble finding their shoe or someone has to pee at the last minute. Try to roll with the punches to avoid unnecessary arguments.
Anticipate Jet Lag
If you�re traveling somewhere that�s in another time zone, don�t forget that it can affect your child�s sleep schedule as well as your own. Give yourself a little window of time for adjustment.
Give your kids a day or two to recuperate and adjust otherwise;, you�re in for plenty of cranky fits and frustration. By planning ahead, you can avoid most of the most common frustrations! And remember, be patient, kids won�t be kids forever!
Originally posted on February 26, 2020 @ 10:02 am