Families have their own traditions for Father’s Day. In many families, the children will prepare breakfast in bed for Dad. Other families will encourage Dad to spend the day golfing with his own father. Often the children will buy or make a gift for Dad. It really doesn’t matter how you celebrate Father’s Day, just do something to make your Father feel special.
1. Home Cooking or Baking
What’s Dad’s favorite food or meal? This day is a great opportunity to get the kids involved in learning how to make family favorites. This tradition keeps recipes alive through the generations. Surprise him with something new like a fabulous strawberry pavlova.
2. Take Dad Out For Dinner
Find out what type of food Dad likes, and take him out for dinner. Did you know that some expensive restaurants have lunch menus that are more affordable?
3. Create a ‘This is your life’ Book and Present It To Dad
Interview people who knew your Dad as a child (his mother, brothers, sisters, cousins) and ask them about stories from your Dad’s childhood. It’s a great way to learn more about your roots, and create a story album of your Dad’s memories. Try to find photos or pictures of the places in the stories.
4. Have a Games or Sports Day
Get together with a few other families and play games. Each family could choose their favorite board game to share, or pick an outdoor game or sport everyone can have fun with like footie or croquet. Plan a treasure hunt with his Father’s Day present at the end of the hunt.
5. A Day Trip To Dad’s Favourite Place
It could be a local beach, park, or even a sporting event.
6. Have The Kids Make Him A Special Father’s Day Hat.
All you do is get a big sheet of paper, decorate it anyway you like, fold it like a cone and staple. This is not a hat he would wear everyday, but one he can save and wear on occasion.
7. A Gift Certificate Ceremony
Make book of tickets that Dad can redeem for things he wants. Ideas include cleaning the garage, mowing the lawn, the last dish of ice cream, back rubs, or even a day to go play golf. Make a special ceremony where the kids award them to Dad.
8. Make A Book For Dad
Do this by drawing the pictures and by writing in it. Making a book about some one they love can be very special to both of them!
Remember, it’s not the price or quality of the stuff you give him or prepare for him, but it’s the love, care and respect you attach with them, makes him the happiest.
Originally posted on June 14, 2006 @ 8:15 pm