If you think that shopping with a toddler is bad enough, imagine what it would be like if he discovers how much fun it is to run away from you at a crowded store. Or worse, a crowded airport.
You can’t keep him chained to his stroller all the time, but the possible alternative of losing him would be the worst nightmare ever.
Experts say that for children under 3, it is virtually impossible to teach them the dangers when in public places or when travelling, so the bottom line is it is up to the parents.
Rule number one is to keep him safely strapped into his stroller, until you find a child-friendly area he can explore � like a playground for instance. And always keep him close to you. There have been too many terrible news reports about a parent entering a store to buy something quickly, leaving the child outside in the stroller for conveniences sake, only to find the stroller (and their child), gone when they return. That obviously is the worst case scenario, but when it comes to your child it always makes sense to be extra cautious.
Other alternatives are backpacks or a toddler harness. Stay away from wrist straps as this could pose as a danger if someone (or something) comes in-between suddenly. These devices can extend up to three feet, so imaging walking in a busy street (or park even), and a big dog bounds through unexpectedly. Your toddler could fly off with him!
Originally posted on August 5, 2006 @ 10:38 pm